What Is My Skin Type? - Give Me Cosmetics

What Is My Skin Type?

Skincare involves experimentation, but that experimentation should be smart and safe.

It’s all good to try tonnes of different skincare products until one works for you, but before doing that, you need to figure out your skin type.

How do you do that, we hear you asking. We’ll tell you!

In today’s blog, we’ll cover some types of skin, the signs, and how to treat it. 

Plus, trying to find the right skincare for you can be expensive. That’s why we’re also recommending some of our budget-friendly products to get you on your way.

Let's get into it.


How To Figure Out Your Skin Type


The majority of what makes our skin type is determined by genetics, but over time, it can also be affected by external factors.


There are also tonnes of different ways to categorise skin types, and we’re going to go into a few of them below to help you clear up your skin type and solve any issues you may be having.


Take a look at the questions at the beginning of each section, if you resonate, congrats, you’ve found your skin type!


Dry Skin


  • Do you feel like your skin looks dull?
  • Does your skin often feel tight?
  • Do you experience patches of roughness on your skin?


If you answered yes, you’ve got dry skin.


Dry Skin.


A lot of the time, dry skin is caused by external factors such as weather and low air humidity, and usually, it is temporary.


However, if you’ve experienced this for a while, you should alter your skincare routine to care for dry skin.


Without being properly treated, dry skin can sometimes lead to cracking which can cause other skin conditions like eczema, so it’s vital to get the right products for your skin.


Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Skin Duo - Give Me Cosmetics


Our Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Skin Duo is the perfect dry skin-fighting partnership. Infused with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E, this cleanser and serum work to keep the skin’s natural moisture intact while adding much-needed hydration.

Oily Skin


  • Does your skin have a bright appearance?
  • Would you class your skin as porous? 


You’ve got oily skin


Oily Skin.


Oily skin is caused by excess fat production by the sebaceous glands, which are small glands in the skin which produce sebum. This sebum is used to keep the skin from drying out, but too much leads to oily skin.


This excess production can be caused by genetic or hormonal factors and is frequent in people under 30. It can also be related with the occurrences of acne, which we’ll touch on later.


Oily Skin Bundle - Give Me Cosmetics


With our Oily Skin Bundle, you can say goodbye to excess oil and hello to clearer, more radiant skin.

Each product in the bundle works to reduce the excess oil created by oily skin, and keep it clear of anything that could lead to breakouts and acne.


Ageing Skin


  • Are you getting older? (Aren’t we all?! Gracefully, of course)


And that’s that. As we age, we all deal with ageing skin. It’s part of the process we’re lucky enough to experience every day of growing and learning.


Ageing Skin.


As the name suggests, ageing skin is caused by ageing, and can be spotted by things like wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots.


Skin becomes thinner and wrinkles appear as it also becomes less elastic. This can be followed by age spots, dry patches, and dark circles around the eyes.


Brightening Vitamin E Eye Cream - Give Me Cosmetics


Using our Brightening Eye Cream is one way to combat those dark circles, along with our Anti-Ageing Day Cream and Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Face Serum to add some elasticity back into the skin. 


Acne-Prone Skin



  • Do you experience painful spots?
  • Is your skin often tender and sore?


You could have acne-prone skin


Acne Prone Skin.


Acne-prone skin is often caused by hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, periods, and taking medication that alters hormones like birth control pills.


All of these things cause the skin to produce more oil which can clog the skin and lead to acne.


There are tonnes of other causes of acne including:


  • Genetics
  • Greasy products or oils
  • Friction or pressure on the skin from things like phones and helmets
  • Dead skin cells
  • Diet


If not treated properly, acne can lead to scarring and discolouration, so let’s look at how to treat acne-prone skin.


The Acne Fighter Bundle - Give Me Cosmetics



Our blemish fighting super bundle has everything you need to help smooth, calm, and rejuvenate angry, acne-prone skin.


Sensitive Skin


  • Do you have sore, itchy skin?
  • Are you always looking for products that are gentler on your skin?


You’re one of our sensitive skin babes.


Sensitive skin is prone to react to stimuli which normal skin doesn’t react to, leading to discomfort, irritation, redness, and itching.


This type of skin loses its barrier or protective function which makes it easy for irritants to enter, which also increases the chance of allergic reactions.


Luckily for you, we’ve got a whole blog on sensitive skincare here - you’re welcome!


Now you know your skin type, it's time to explore all of the skincare opportunities out there. Have fun!

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