How Does Working From Home Affect Your Skin?
Since the beginning of the pandemic almost 5 years ago now, working from home has become a constant in a lot of people’s lives.
The question is, how does working from home affect your skin? And should your work-from-home skincare routine be any different to your everyday skincare routine?
Different environments, temperatures, and other factors like diet and weather, can have different effects on our skin, but you likely don’t have to uproot your whole skincare routine for a change of work scenery.
Instead, working from home gives us a great opportunity to use more skincare products, including those that may need to be on our skin longer, like face masks and peels.
There are however, a few factors to stay aware of when working from home, so let’s have a look at some things you can incorporate into your working-from-home skincare routine…
Simple Skincare Routines

Your regular skincare routine doesn’t have to be overly complicated, but it does need to be consistent.
Knowing you’ve got those few hero products that protect your skin while working from home is ideal, and The Skincare Range is the perfect bundle for this!
With 5 full-sized premium skincare products, you can be confident that no matter where you’re working, your skin is getting the nourishment it needs.
This bundle includes:
Face Masks
Working indoors for prolonged periods of time can mean a lack of moisture, which can lead to dry skin, and we don’t want that!
Using face masks is a great way to combat this, and when you’re working from home, it’s easy to pop one on without strange looks from your coworkers (unless you’ve got some Zoom meetings, of course!)

Our Hyaluronic Acid & Collagen Sheet Masks Twin Pack is the perfect combo for a quick work-from-home face mask fix!
It includes our Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Mask for hydrated, plump skin, and our Collagen Sheet Mask for maintaining a healthy glow and elasticity.
Regular Breaks
When working from home, regular breaks are a must.
Sitting in front of a computer for a long time can cause eye strain, which leads to dark circles and puffiness around the eyes.
Taking regular breaks is a good way to prevent this, and to give your eyes that extra bit of love, our Vitamin E Eye Cream is perfect for nourishing and revitalising your under-eye area and brightening the skin around your eyes.
Using an exfoliating toner is great no matter whether you’re working from home or from the office.
These toners cleanse the skin, removing dead skin cells and unclogging pores, and can deliver that amazing, fresh skin feeling after hours of sitting at a computer!

Our AHA Glycolic Glow & Hydrate Skin Tonic is the perfect product to add to your WFH and office skincare routine!
Along with regular breaks, something else we can forget when working from home is hydration - always remember, hydration is key!
Having a big cup of water next to you whilst working from home is a great way to keep hydrated, and keeping your skin hydrated is crucial too.

The Hyaluronic Acid Deep Hydration Skin Duo delivers intense hydration whilst effectively removing impurities, and is a powerful team in keeping your skin hydrated all day long.
And of course, our old friend SPF has entered the chat…
It’s a tale as old as time at this point, but even if you’re not going outside, SPF is still important.
Even if you’re not getting direct sun exposure, UV rays can still get to you, and UVA rays in particular can get through windows easily.
Plus, when you’re working with electronics, whether it's your mobile phone or a laptop, you’re getting exposed to blue light.
So, always remember - SPF is an everyday essential!
Whether you’re a hybrid hustler or a remote work lover, make sure your WFH skincare products are stocked up for the most rejuvenating work-from-home days possible!